Ever wonder what else we do with your generous donations?
Frequently we get requests from community organizations to provide suitable books for their programs. Because you all are so generous with your donations, we are able to honor many of these requests. Sometimes it is a box or two of children’s books that are needed to give away at a literacy program.
Recently we were able to fulfill a request from Napa State Hospital to provide Spanish language books for a Spanish – speaking adult patient. We were able to put together a multi-volume donation including a blank journal that had been among the books left by a donor. The program director who made this request let us know after the patient received the books that he was much less isolated and was able to engage more…just because of a simple book donation.
We have also been asked to gather suitable books for programs at the Napa County Jail. Program directors know that giving someone a book to read gives them a chance to be entertained, nourished and challenged. Again the thank you notes we receive confirm that a book can do wonders in many ways.
If you have a program that could benefit from a donation of books, CDs or DVDs, please contact our Book Sale Manager, Bruce Taylor at (707)253-4614 for more information.