While our regular production area (where we accept, sort, clean and box books in anticipation of our quarterly book sales) was under construction we were fortunate enough to utilize the Community Room at the Napa County Library to hold an on-going Book Sale in place of our quarterly sales. Now that the renovation of our production area is complete we will be moving out of the Community Room and to our new space.
The Children’s section is the next area for renovation so they will be moving to the Community Room as soon as we vacate. What does this mean for our Book Store and book sales?
It means that we have shut down the store and will defer our 2017 sales until the Summer of 2017. We thank everyone who visited the Book Store and made it a success. We have had many positive comments about the full time store and why can’t we be open all of the time. For now the short answer is location and staff. But that doesn’t mean that sometime in the future we don’t get the shopkeeper bug again.