Because construction and remodeling projects at the Napa County Library have played havoc with our BOOK SALE SCHEDULE, the Friends of the Napa Library has arranged to hold three smaller sales before we get back to our “normal” schedule in August. These sales are open to members of the Friends and non-members alike.
The first of these “one day” sales will be held on Saturday, May 27 from 10 am to 5 pm in the Workforce Room at the Library. The Workforce Room is located directly across from the information desk. This sale will feature only Better/Special Priced Books. As donations come in, we have set aside those books that we feel have something about them that sets them apart from our general offerings. They can be rare, first editions, complete sets of popular fiction or something that strikes us as being above the ordinary. As with the special books in our normal sales, the books will be priced individually and the prices will be marked on each book.
These Better/Special Priced Books have always been a popular section of our normal sales. Regular shoppers look forward to see what treasures have been donated to the Friends and you never know what will be for sale this time!!
Questions? Contact Bruce Taylor/Book Sale Manager